281 Franklin Street
Springfield, MA 01104

VASH-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing

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 VASH: A new housing program for homeless veterans and their families

The Department of Housing Services wants to help homeless US Military Veterans obtain, and retain, permanent housing. To help us meet this goal, we now offer rental assistance through a unique new program called VASH.

What is the VASH Program?
The HUD Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program (VASH) provides rental assistance vouchers specifically targeted to homeless veterans. Public housing authorities work closely with Veteran Affairs Medical Centers to manage the program. In addition to the rental assistance, VA Medical Centers provide supportive services and case management to eligible homeless veterans.

The Washington County Department of Housing Services received an award for 25 VASH vouchers to serve homeless veteran households. If you are a homeless veteran, we encourage you to consider enrolling in this program.